
суббота, 30 ноября 2013 г.

Could you be an architect

Could you be an architect?
People are inspired to become architects through friends, counselors, buildings, architects, books, movies, or chance encounters. Students begin with enthusiasm; however face a challenging reality, a hyper competitive costly college environment. In addition, they may not be emotionally or socially ready. College is an expensive gamble if you’re not prepared. I tell students that internships are the best way to assess suitability, particularly with architecture. Architecture may be inspiring but becoming and being one is vastly different than perceived.

Architects are proficient at five things: drawing, math, language, creativity and hard work. Most architects aren’t good at all five but most are good at some, including a few less tangible traits. Here are some relevant questions to ask when evaluating your career choice.  Remember, everyone matures at a different rate. The following is a reference and not the final word.
Are you introverted or extroverted?
One person is extroverted and energized by others. Another is introverted and prefers working alone. Architects come both ways, however being introverted tends to lend itself to the job. Architects spend lots of time alone sketching, writing, drawing, making models, and thinking. In contradiction, architects have clients, employees, peers and lots of meetings. They train in large open studios and work in offices with lots of commotion. Architects can work toward their job preference, but need to learn the art of independence first.

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